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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

French Toast

My guy made french toast for everyone in the apartment this morning along with his own strawberry syrup topping. Earlier this week he did chocolate chip pancakes. How lucky am I?

The Master at work.

He was a pro at making these french toast slices. He likes them eggy and I don't so he was controlling that very well. 

Cinnamon, egg, and milk went into the dipping mix.

The strawberry syrup included strawberries, water, and sugar (he didn't use a recipe and isn't sure exactly how much water her used). He kept adding sugar until it was less liquidy and more syrupy. 

The finished product was delicious! He used cinnamon bread as the base for the toast. YUM.  I'm having daydreams about brunch now.


Unknown said...

Yummy! may try this sometime :)

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